When To File A Workers Comp Claim From A Repetitive Stress Injury

When you hear the phrase “workplace injuries,” you probably picture dangerous accidents involving malfunctioning machinery and unsafe work conditions. While those types of workplace injuries do occur, a workplace injury doesn’t need to be a dramatic accident for an employee to qualify for worker’s compensation benefits. In fact, almost every job presents the potential risk of injury to its employees in the form of repetitive stress injuries. Almost all jobs require some sort of repetitive motion, whether it’s packing meat at a plant, lifting crates of soda at a gas station, or simply typing on a keyboard at a desk job.
While these repetitive tasks might not appear to be risky on a day-to-day basis, the cumulative stress and strain they put on your body can cause a variety of medical problems over time. Some common examples of repetitive strain injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, nerve damage, permanent soft tissue damage, tendinitis, and shoulder injuries. While gradual, these injuries can be as serious as a sudden trauma or injury. If your job has caused you any of these injuries or symptoms, it’s your employer’s responsibility to compensate you fairly and in a timely manner. Not only can repetitive stress injuries be painful and detrimental to your overall health, but they can cause you to miss work or be unable to perform your duties. If left untreated, repetitive motion injuries can worsen and cause you further financial and personal hardship.
For more than three decades, Attorney Pat Carpenter has been helping hard-working Iowans throughout central Iowa get the workers’ compensation they deserve for workplace-induced repetitive stress injuries. Whether your work requires constant physical labor or minimal excursion, Iowa law protects your right to worker’s compensation. Too often, however, employers and their insurance companies will ignore their employees’ claims or deny responsibility for their employees’ injuries. If you feel like your employer is not treating you fairly, then you need an ally that will fight tirelessly for your workers’ rights. While our office is located in downtown Des Moines, Carpenter Law Firm serves people throughout central Iowa with their workers’ compensation cases, including towns like Marshalltown, Waukee, Adel, Ottumwa, and more. Contact our office today for a free consultation.
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