Do I Really Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?
If you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence, you might. A personal injury lawyer will legally represent you if a person, company, or government agency has affected your health. You can receive compensation for both physical and psychological injuries and a personal injury lawyer can help you get the amount you deserve. Here’s when you should look into a personal injury lawyer:
· You have suffered severe injuries
· You have expensive medical bills to deal with
· You haven’t been able to work and are making significantly less money
For a personal injury case in Des Moines, look no further than Carpenter Law Firm. We’ll start by assessing your case and deciding whether or not it’s worth taking legal action. If it is, the investigation will begin. Evidence will be used to decide who’s at fault for the injury. Once you’ve recovered from your injury, that’s when we’ll document your damages using medical reports, records, and bills. That information is what gives us the green light to begin working on a settlement with the insurance company.
We’ll help you get through the complications that come along with a claim like complicated legal procedures, loads of paperwork, and unrecognizable medical terms. Since we’re an outside party, we can look at the case objectively to help you avoid rash decisions — and to get you the right settlement offer.
Usually, the insurance company and your personal injury lawyer are able to reach a fair settlement. If they don’t, a lawsuit begins. Defendants like witnesses and experts are brought into the mix and asked to file their response to the case. At the same time, you’ll work with your lawyer on your own claim. These parts are all necessary to build a strong case and succeed in the trial. Once all the pieces are complete, a trial date will be set.
If you don’t win your case, you won’t pay for our services — we only work for a percentage of your settlement if you win the settlement. The number one goal for personal injury lawyers is to get you the best possible settlement in the shortest amount of time — not to nickel and dime you. It’s all about making your recovery process easier to handle.
Carpenter Law Firm is here to help. You’ll find us in Polk County, smack dab in the middle of Iowa. Our downtown Des Moines location makes it possible for us to work with personal injury and work compensation cases all across the state. Set up a consultation at 515-244-9906 or 1-800-544-9907 to find out how we can help you!
Learn more about personal injury types, damages, time limitations, lawsuits and payments here.